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20 years later

by bigbear6208 on Tuesday, June 24, 2008

5:00 alarm go off...... snooze... snooze...

He wakes up at 5:55... work at 6:00

"I don't care" then he laughs and gets there at 6:15

Akil you are going with James today. Finally I can go somewhere, anywhere from this place.
Good thing I put on deodorant. lol (to himself)

Leave the warehouse.

In a 1990's breadtruck. Doors open, to the wind hits the entire body.

Think about life. Clear my thoughts, create new ones, complete old ones. Same old.... Same old.

Met cool random people in the streets in Mid Town Manhattan.

Gain a new chapter towards the attempt of understanding life.

-Im Not Rude...your small

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